A number of enthusiasts back in 1970 with similar interests in preserving, driving and enjoying their Studebakers got together to formally initiate the Central Oklahoma Chapter (COC) of the Studebaker Drivers Club of America. Part of the benefits were to share Studebaker backgrounds, make it easier to source parts amongst a wider group of people, have outings in which members could share the joy of driving to interesting places to see the sights and most importantly, talk about and admire Studebakers. The Chapter members benefit from making new friendships with locally based like minded people, have fun as a group and aim to expand the membership. As part of the National Drivers Club our members have benefited from and have offered help to members in other locales and other states.
The first general meeting of the club took place on May 3, 1970 and remarkably, a copy of the original minutes of the meeting is available to read here with mention of some very early classic Studebakers. The minutes also mention the beginning of monthly meetings, a tradition that is still part of the Chapter today after nearly 47 years!
The membership has grown with various cars and trucks coming and going amongst our members, with many restoration projects accomplished, and perhaps a few that never got finished! We hope that as a benefit of our website we will be able to get more stories out of the woodwork for all to share., after all there is a story behind every farmer, doctor, lawyer, mechanic, body-shop owner - mostly men, but many ladies too - some who have stepped in to serve as President, VP, Tourmaster, Secretary or Treasurer of our club and other who enjoy just being part of the membership, and we aim to share and keep old memories alive and to make new ones together.
Use this button to access club newsletters from earlier years,,,,,,